It’s been a while since I shared any pictures of our allotment. This hasn’t been deliberate, I just haven’t got myself organised!
I feel like I’ve been behind the whole way with the allotment this year. Last year I had the plot rotavated in early Spring, which meant I was good to go with the planting nice and early. This year however there’s a greenhouse slap bang in the middle of the plot, a few raised beds and some permanent fruit canes, so a man with a big tractor isn’t really an option any more, and I decided in my wisdom to just dig it over myself. Of course family life took first priority and I was still digging in May! Now while I love gardening, I’m not one of those gardeners who digs for the sheer joy of it (yes, they do exist – there are quite a few at my allotment site putting us all to shame). Next year I WILL rent or borrow a small rotavator and get it done early – there, I’ve put it in writing so now it has to happen
Anyway, the upshot of all this playing catch-up is a less-than-pristine plot…
All the crops are in the ground and doing perfectly well, but the weeds!! I can’t keep up with the weeds!!
And my broad beans and runner beans are covered in blackfly (I’ll spare you a photo, urghh) – apparently it’s a terrible year for them, is anyone else having the same problem?
Despite the weeds, bugs and general disorder, there’s still plenty to enjoy on our little plot.
I do think it’s important to not beat ourselves up for less than gardening perfection; where’s the fun in a hobby where you just feel bad about what you haven’t done? And why should we try to keep nature tidy anyway? We’ll still have loads of food to eat, flowers to enjoy and happy times spent together pottering in the fresh air, so that’s a success in my book.
Joining in with Annie’s ‘How Does Your Garden Grow’ series at Mammasaurus.
The post An unruly Summer allotment appeared first on Growing Family.